Author Archives: Tim

A Great Infographic for Massage Marketing

If you are growing a massage practice, then this may be helpful. Courtesy of: The Whole Brain Group

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Don’t Be Envious of My Massage

You need a massage but where do you go? How do you find a qualified massage professional? It used to be that massage offices where small operations run by massage professionals. But with the growth and acceptance of massage we … Continue reading

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How Often Should I Get a Massage?

As a massage therapist I am often asked how often should someone receive a massage. As with most things in life the answer is it depends. Let me start by saying that everyone should be getting a massage once every … Continue reading

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What to Expect During Your First Massage

So you have finally done it. You have set aside the time, located a massage therapist, and made an appointment. You are going to get your first massage. Now you are beginning to question your decision. You have never done … Continue reading

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